22:2 (2007:05) TOC

May 22, 2007 at 5:17 pm | Posted in TOCs | Leave a comment


Midwinter Board Meeting
April Conference Call
CPC Update
PPC Update
2007 Award Winners
Horizon Award Recipient Essay
Both Sides
Rioux Retirement
Awards & Recognition
Continuing Education
Database & Directory
Library School Outreach TF
Membership Development
Nominations & Elections
Program Planning
Publications/Public Relations
Calling NASIGuide Authors
Speakers/Consultants Directory
Bylaws Vote
Site Selection Survey
Newsletter News
Doing Serials in the Middle East

22:2 (2007:05) PDF Version

22:2 (2007:05) Title Changes

May 22, 2007 at 1:39 pm | Posted in Title Changes | Leave a comment


[Note: Please report promotions, awards, new degrees, new positions, and other significant professional milestones.  You may submit items about yourself or other members to Susan Andrews (Susan_Andrews@tamu-commerce.edu). Contributions on behalf of fellow members will be cleared with the person mentioned in the news item before they are printed. Please include your e-mail address or phone number.]

Congratulations to KURT C. BLYTHE on his first official job as a librarian at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.  About this event he commented, “I started my new job as the Serials Access Librarian at UNC-Chapel Hill on December 5, 2006.  The change is significant to me not just in terms of a new title and new location, but also in the fact that my current position is my first as a professional.  My time at KU was spent as a paraprofessional, and while I will always love Kansas (my undergrad is from that institution), I’m very happy to be in my new role at UNC, and to be living in Chapel Hill.”  Kurt was previously Library Assistant III/Library Associate/Head, Bindery Preparation Unit at the University of Kansas Libraries.  Kurt’s current contact information is:

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Davis Library
Catalog Department, CB# 3914
Chapel Hill, North Carolina  27514-8890 
Phone: (919) 962-2050
E-mail: kcblythe@email.unc.edu

As of March 20, 2007, Ex Libris’ new Verde Implementation Librarian is ABIGAIL BORDEAUX.  She is at their Newton, Massachusetts offices.  She was Binghamton University Libraries’ Coordinator of Digital Library Initiatives. 

Still at Taylor and Francis Ltd., KEITH COURTNEY has changed his title from Global Sales Director to Journals Director.  No other changes were made to his contact information.

LINDA CRACKNELL’s job title has changed from Digital Repository Librarian to Collections and Projects Librarian at Canada’s Wilfrid Laurier University.

Florida State University’s new Serials Coordinator, ELIZABETH FAIRLEY, was formerly their Head, Serials Acquisitions Unit.  Libby’s explanation for her title change was that “We have been working on a reorganization of Collection Services (Technical Services), and we were unable to fill the position of Serials/Metadata Librarian.  Thus, the position of Serials Coordinator was created to oversee Serials Cataloging, Serials Acquisitions and Binding.  In essence, I assumed responsibility for Serials Cataloging as well as Serials Acquisitions.”  No changes were made to her contact information.

On July 31, 2006, HENRIETTE ILYES became RAND Corporation’s Library Information Systems Administrator, a change from being their Electronic Resources Specialist.  There were no changes to Henriette’s contact information.

KATHY KOBYLJANEC e-mailed, “As of 2006, I am now Head of Access Services at John Carroll and have also been awarded tenure.  But, because serials have always been my favorite part of librarianship, I am still in charge of periodicals and have “just” added circulation, ILL, and overall stacks maintenance to my responsibilities.  To keep life interesting, I also created and teach an honors course on animal ethics at the university.”  Kathy was formerly John Carroll University’s Periodicals/ILL Librarian.  Contact information remains the same.

The former Project Manager at the Library of Congress’ Office of Strategic Initiatives, JENNIFER MARILL had this to say about her new job as Deputy Chief, Technical Services Division at the National Library of Medicine: “I started at NLM on March 5 and my primary responsibility is managing the Division’s Systems Office. I will also be involved with digital repository development and the collection of born digital materials.”  She can now be reached at:

National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland  20894 
Phone: (301) 435-7072
E-mail: marillj@mail.nlm.nih.gov

MICHAEL W. MARKWITH is now in Sales at WT Cox Subscriptions.  He wanted his NASIG colleagues to know, “After 6 years as President of TDNet, I joined WT Cox Subscriptions on February 1 with sales responsibility nationally for academic libraries and on the west coast for all libraries.  I enjoy the daily contact with serialists much more than managing a company and look forward to more active involvement again in NASIG.”  His contact details are:

Phone: (toll free) (866) 332-2787 or (714) 224-9882
E-mail: mmarkwith@wtcox.com

LILA (ANGIE) OHLER moved half way across North America, from the University of Oklahoma Libraries to the University of Maryland.  Her previous title was Acquisitions Librarian and she is now Head of Acquisitions.  Her current contact information can be found in the NASIG membership directory.

Previously North Carolina State University’s Metadata Librarian, JACQUELINE SAMPLES is now their Serials and Electronic Resources Librarian.  About this change she e-mailed, “I started my new position here at NCSU on November 1, 2006.  I moved from the Metadata and Cataloging Department to the Acquisitions Department after a period of working 1/2 time in each department to assist where there was a need for another librarian.  This is an exciting change for me because not only am I using my metadata expertise in new ways, I am able to contribute to the development of improved work flows and processes that are related to the work I’ve done on implementing our ERM.  I am also working with licensing for electronic materials and managing the Monographs unit, so the range of my experience has been broadened by my move.  In addition to these new responsibilities, I continue to manage the maintenance of our link resolver, SFX.”  Only Jacquie’s phone numbers changed and are now:

Phone: (919) 515-7021
Fax: (919) 515-7292

SANDHYA D. SRIVASTAVA used to be Serials Librarian at Hofstra University.  She has now moved to Columbia Law Library and her title remains the same –Serials Librarian.  She manages a serials staff of 3 full time and 2 part time employees.  She is involved in all aspects of serials check-in and binding.  Her contact information is now: 
 Columbia Law Library 
 Book Order Department 
 435 West 116th Street 
 New York, New York  10027 
 Phone: (212) 854-4456 
 E-mail: ssriva@law.columbia.edu

At Lamar University, SARAH D. TUSA is now Coordinator of Collection Development & Acquisitions.  She was their Coordinator of Acquisitions and her slightly complicated explanation for this change was, “I was told that I could officially use that job title as of fall 2006.  After two unsuccessful searches, and after I had been performing the essential duties of the job for the past three years, the Provost and the Library Faculty rendered their respective approval to make my interim position ‘permanent.’”  Sarah’s contact information did not change.   

Previously the Assistant Head, Acquisitions Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, GERMAINE G. WADEBORN has changed her job title to Head, UCLA Library Print Acquisitions Department.  About this change she wrote, “The UCLA Library Print Acquisitions Department was created by the reorganization of two key acquisitions departments in February 2006.  Two distinct departments were formed with one focused on acquisitions and management of electronic resources and one focused on acquisitions and management of print materials.  Initially, the UCLA Library Print Acquisitions Department was responsible for acquisitions for the Young Research Library, College Library and Arts Library, with a total staff of 30-33 FTE.  In July 2006 the responsibilities of the Print Acquisitions Department were expanded to include acquisition for Sciences (Engineering and Math Sciences, Geology, Chemistry, and Biomedical Libraries).  Seven (7) fulltime employees were transferred to the organization.  With the additional workload from Sciences, the UCLA Library Print Acquisitions now places 400-600 serial orders,  processes invoices for approximately 12,700 serial titles, cancels 500-600 serial subscriptions, maintains approximately 35,000-40,000 serial subscriptions and sends 900-1000 volumes to exchange partners annually.  We also place approximately 18,000 monograph orders and received 56,000 monographic print volumes annually.  I became head of the UCLA Library Print Acquisitions Department in March 2006.  In this role I welcome the challenges and opportunities to move the organization forward, working with the staff to make the best use of technology to develop workflows to make the work we do as streamlined and efficient as possible.”  Her new contact information is:

University of California, Los Angeles
UCLA Library Print Acquisitions Department
11020 Kinross; Box 957230
Los Angeles, California  90095-7230 USA
Phone: (310) 206-6780
Fax: (310) 206-4974
E-mail: gwadebor@library.ucla.edu

22:2 (2007:05) Doing Serials in the Middle East

May 22, 2007 at 1:13 pm | Posted in Other Serials and E-Resources News | 3 Comments

Stephanie Schmitt, Library and Learning Resource Center, Zayed University

In December 2006, I moved my place of work from the Yale Law Library to Zayed University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  As soon as I arrived at work (the day that I landed in Dubai), I was told about the ‘Serials Problems’ in my library and everyone seemed excited about the level of serials-related experience I had listed on my resume.  Now only four full months have passed, but I’ve already begun to wonder whether my skills were based on dependencies on the technologies I had become so used to; the assumptions I had made about being able to work with a reputable binder, any binder for that matter, and the presumption of knowledge about the inanities of serials publications.  You think the Germans and Italians have creative enumeration?  You’ve seen nothing compared to the lovely joys of Arabic language journals.  The basics of tackling claims were daunting in my previous jobs, but I have come to long for the slow and painful process of managing claims in the West, given that it takes 3-6 months to receive deliveries of issues that are already long past the publisher claim by dates once we receive them.  Electronic serials are a growing solution, but the bandwidth demands for overseas access can be frustrating and deleterious to the expectations of researchers.  In addition, regionally produced scholarship has not yet been bought up by the large publishing houses.  Electronic versions of local societies and academic publications have thus not yet been exploited.  But somehow it all gets done, inshallah.

In the Middle East, many of the routines of serials maintenance do not exist.  We do make use of international subscription vendors and jobbers, but vendors of locally produced materials are rare.  Government publications are delivered randomly (I guess that is a similar problem everywhere) and local vendors are hesitant to tackle the requested tasks of managing, with regular service, standing subscriptions.  Binders who can manage the scale of print resources from the larger institutions here don’t exist and the skill sets, tools, and machinery have not yet made their way into the regional, much less local, library marketplace.

Like nearly anywhere in the world, funding for serials is not matching the pace of new publications.  As a tome-based society, Arab nations are adjusting to the relatively rapid presentation of ideas in the form of scholarly journals.  Printing is growing at a pace unprecedented as ideas and opinions continue to be spread throughout the region.  The number and variety of available serial titles is growing.  Literacy is increasing.  Colleges are popping up everywhere.  The students are pouring in.  The time is ripe to promote serials librarianship and to create opportunities for training.

The solutions I seek will come by way of networking and collaboration.  By encouraging discussion and ideas about serials, we will build the infrastructure we need to maintain our serially produced resources.  I encourage NASIG to support the work of serials in the developing nations of the world.  Your wisdom and guidance will enable growth and understanding through the shared values of preserving knowledge.  For example, there are few library schools in the Middle East.  Basic knowledge of bibliographic structure and instruction in methods of acquisitions and serials control are desperately needed.  We will seek to rectify this situation through our local networking connections and by bringing teachers and experts to the region.  My hope is that NASIG and the UKSG will find ways to further promote organized instruction on serials issues and then bring these training opportunities to this region.  Just as the UKSG inspired the birth of NASIG, my hope is to foster and support the growth of Middle Eastern serialists.  Does not a “MESIG” sound great?!  I ask you all to help us get started on this good endeavor.

I’ll end this short note about my new life in Dubai with a call to you all to consider working overseas.  Life is full and good and purposeful anywhere, but it is so joyful to see the sparkle in the eyes of a student who has never seen a scholarly journal in her life when she comes to understand the magnificent amount of information hidden within enumeration and chronology, and then discover even more within its table of contents and index.  OK.  Perhaps I’ve been a member of NASIG a little too long, but the enthusiasm remains.  And enough humor as well to realize that like you all, I have the crazy mind of a loyal fan of serials.  Long live NASIG!

I’ll miss you all at conference this year! May it be the best one yet!

22:2 (2007:05) Newsletter News

May 22, 2007 at 1:05 pm | Posted in News, Newsletter | Leave a comment

Kathryn Wesley, Editor-in-Chief

As mentioned earlier in this issue, Maggie Rioux, profiles editor extraordinaire, is retiring from the Newsletter.  After four years of exploring the inner workings of NASIG groups and individual members, while at the same time writing laugh-out-loud prose and beating deadlines by weeks, she’s hanging up her visor and taking off those sleeve garter things.

Our stalwart columns editor, Susan Andrews, is also saying goodbye.  Susan has been with the Newsletter for four years.  She’s been responsible for producing “Title Changes,” which is consistently one of the membership’s favorite features.  Throughout the year we’ve been working together, I have been amazed and gratified at how she has managed to keep it fresh and flowing.

As we say farewell to Maggie and Susan, we welcome our new columns editor, Kurt Blythe.  Kurt is serials access librarian at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  He’s fairly new to NASIG, and the Louisville conference will be his first.  We’re looking forward to working with him.  Please join us in welcoming him to NASIG and the Newsletter Editorial Board.

22:2 (2007:05) Bylaws Vote

May 22, 2007 at 12:55 pm | Posted in Bylaws, News | Leave a comment

Adolfo Tarango, Bylaws Committee Chair

This year the Bylaws Committee presented, and the membership approved, four amendments to the NASIG bylaws.  The impetus for presenting these amendments came from the Executive Board, who had asked the committee to perform an extensive review of our bylaws.  The board especially wanted the committee to remove any language from the bylaws that would prevent NASIG from adopting technological developments for carrying out NASIG business more effectively. Three of the amendments, to Article III, Section 2, to Article VIII, and to Article XII, addressed this by removing or changing text having to do with mailing ballots, allowing the board to move forward with online voting.

The board also asked the committee to address problems with specifically naming committees in the bylaws.  The issue is that anytime the specified committee changes its name, the membership would have to take a vote to change the name in the bylaws. The amendments to Articles VII and XII replaced the specific references to the Nominations & Elections Committee and to the Bylaws Committee with more generic references to those committees. The committee also took the opportunity to rename Article XII to better reflect its content and to eliminate an unnecessary section heading under that article.

Over the years, and especially since the membership approved the nominations through petition process a couple of years ago, the elections process has become very difficult to plan and execute.  On a few occasions, because of the early timing of our annual conference, the specified deadlines for various elections processes were nearly missed.  The board asked the Bylaws Committee to review Article VII, which outlines our elections processes, to see if we could stage the election process better.  After identifying the key conceptual processes of the article, the committee decided to totally rewrite the article and established a new election process.

The revised article now vests the Nominations & Elections Committee with developing the election calendar every year.  This will allow them to accommodate the changing dates of the annual conference and give the membership adequate time to seek nominations by petition.  Addressing a different issue, given current communication technologies, the revised article shortened the period to challenge election results, since members have the means to act more quickly.  In keeping with the board’s requests stated in the previous two paragraphs, the committee also revised the article to delete references to mailing ballots and used a generic reference to a committee.

22:2 (2007:05) Committee Annual Report: Site Selection

May 22, 2007 at 12:24 pm | Posted in Committee Annual Reports, Site Selection | Leave a comment


Committee members:  Denise Novak, Char Simser, Joyce Tenney

This year we solicited bids for the 2008 conference and we were able to negotiate a great rate with Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort in Phoenix, Arizona.  The dates of the 2008 conference will be June 5-8, 2008, and the room rate will be $125 per night plus tax for a single or double room.

We solicited bids for the 2009 conference and did site visits to Orlando, Florida, Richmond, Virginia and will be looking at additional site visits this summer.  Bids have been received from Columbus, Ohio; New Orleans, Louisiana; Norfolk, Virginia; Portland, Maine; Kansas City, Missouri; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Columbia, South Carolina; Cleveland, Ohio; and others.

A survey to go out to the membership is being developed to get views from membership on conference location and facilities preferences.  This information will be used to develop the short list of sites to be presented to the board later in 2007.

22:2 (2007:05) Committee Annual Report: PubPR

May 22, 2007 at 12:20 pm | Posted in Committee Annual Reports, Publications/PR | Leave a comment

Marit Taylor, Chair


Members:  Linda Pitts (University of Washington), Miki Scholl (University of St. Thomas), Jeff Slagell (Delta State University), Gracemary Smulewitz (Rutgers University), Glen Wiley (Rensselaer Research Libraries), Yvonne Zhang (California State Polytechnic University), Mary Page (Board Liaison).

Linda Pitts was originally chair of the committee but felt the need to resign as chair because of health and work concerns.  She remained on the committee and her service is greatly appreciated.  The co-chair, Marit Taylor, took over as chair.  Jo McClamroch resigned from the committee because of too much to do at work.


NASIGuides.   The committee is charged with identifying topics for new NASIGuides and soliciting authors for them from outside the committee, as well as developing a schedule for updating them and other NASIG publications. Glen and Linda reviewed the existing NASIGuides for dead links and anything else needing updating.  Linda found no problems, and Glen contacted their original authors to ask them for updates.   The committee brainstormed and suggested more ideas for new NASIGuides.  Linda sent out a message to NASIG-L asking for volunteers to write new NASIGuides, and listing some recommended topics, and got some positive response.  Glen also asked the Continuing Education Committee for input.  New guides that are assigned to authors and either planned or already being worked on include ones on working with subscription vendors, cancellation workflow, serials in institutional repositories, MARC for serials, and FRBR.  Each NASIGuide will be edited by one committee member for content, and another for style, etc.  We hope that at least some will be up by the conference, and others should be ready by sometime in the fall.  A new call for authors and ideas for new guides will be posted in the NASIG Newsletter.

Human Resources Directory.  The committee is also charged with revising and updating the Directory.  Glen and Jeff had some preliminary discussion on how we might want to update them.   There was some concern about whether the Directory was much used or needed.  Marit sent a message to NASIG-L asking for feedback on that subject, and received a positive response.  Some respondents have used the Directory, and others did not know about it but might use it now that they know.  Several people said they might volunteer to be included in the Directory.  It is clear that the Directory needs more publicity; there will be information about it in the Newsletter.  There was a problem with the submission form, which Jeff resolved after consultation with the Electronic Communications Committee.  The committee discussed changes and updates to the list of subjects for speakers, and Gracemary and Yvonne collected ideas.  Gracemary prepared a spreadsheet of topics to add, remove, or change.  Jeff suggested that we rename the Directory, and the committee agreed on changing it to the Speakers and Consultants Directory.  Marit asked Mary to submit the change to the board for approval.  Jeff drafted and the committee approved a message to be sent to people presently in the Directory asking them up update their entry; this should be done at least annually.  Jeff has been working on ideas for making the format of entries more consistent. The plan is for the committee to divide up the names in the Directory and each contact those people asking for updates.

NASIG-L.  Mary Page asked the committee to discuss ideas about how the scope of NASIG-L might be changed, and feedback given to the Electronic Communication Committee.  After discussion, the committee members felt that the scope did not need to be changed, and Marit reported this to the ECC, which had come to the same conclusion.

The committee has not acted on other elements of the committee charge on the recommendation of Mary Page, because of the pending outsourcing of the NASIG Web pages.  These involved selecting a metadata schema for NASIG publications and establishing HTML/XML/PDF standards, and standard announcements.

22:2 (2007:05) Committee Annual Report: Proceedings

May 22, 2007 at 12:06 pm | Posted in Committee Annual Reports, Proceedings | Leave a comment

Carol Ann Borchert and Gary Ives, Co-editors


Board liaison:  Rick Anderson


  • Gary and Carol Ann visited Haworth Press July 16-18.
  • The 2005 Proceedings was published in summer 2006, and the monograph version was released in the fall.  We anticipate a similar schedule for the publication of the 2006 Proceedings.
  • The manuscript for the 2006 Proceedings was sent to Haworth early in November, a few days past Haworth’s October 31 deadline.  We received papers from all speakers and recorders.  Many thanks to all for their contributions to this publication!
  • The co-editors received the final draft copies of the 2006 Proceedings at the end of February.  Haworth received the document March 21.
  • Because the Proceedings time schedule has altered from what was originally in the editors’ manual, our original indexer for the monograph version, Melissa Beck, stepped down for 2006.  Gary contacted Smita Joshipura, and she graciously agreed to be our indexer for the 2006 Conference Proceedings.  The manual’s timeline has been updated.
  • Carol Ann sent .pdf files of the 2005 Proceedings to the ECC Chair, but they are not yet on the NASIG website.  Carol Ann will ask about this when she sends the updated editors’ manual to ECC.
  • Gary and Carol Ann have both agreed to continue as co-editors for the 2007 Proceedings.  A call has gone out for a third co-editor to join them this year, hopefully to continue in 2008 as an experienced editor with a new co-editor to train.
  • The call for recorders was sent for inclusion in the March 2007 NASIG Newsletter and later sent to the NASIG-L listserv.  Because we only received 15 applications in our first batch, we have sent out an extended call.  We are especially having a hard time finding people who will be able to record for the preconferences.
  • Gary contacted the speakers to give them information about submitting papers to us and to give them the copyright forms.  Papers from recorders and speakers are due July 2.





Name of persons submitting report:  Carol Ann Borchert & Gary Ives

22:2 (2007:05) Committee Annual Report: PPC

May 22, 2007 at 11:52 am | Posted in Committee Annual Reports, Program Planning | Leave a comment

Rachel Frick and Sarah George, Co-Chairs

The Program Planning Committee finalized the program featuring 34 sessions involving 65 speakers.  In addition, poster sessions and discussion groups are planned for additional programming opportunities. 

Program Proposals

Number of ideas/programs reviewed from brainstorming, quick and dirty evaluations, and two calls (total) 118
Quick and dirty evaluations 45
Brainstorming 20
Proposals from 1st call 34 (call closed 8/1/2006)
Proposals from 2nd call 19 (call closed 10/6/2006)
Number of ideas/programs selected (total) 34
Preconferences 4 *(2 two day, 1 full day, and 1 half day)
Vision 3
Strategy 11
Tactics 16
Number of speakers (total) 65
Preconferences 5
Vision 3
Strategy 24
Tactics 33

Special Program Events

Informal Discussion Groups Planning still in progress
User Groups Planning still in progress
Poster Session On display 6/1/07 from 9:30-5:30 and staffed during both breaks, 14 posters, 18 presenters

The Poster Sessions Subcommittee consisting of Meg Mering, Jennifer Arnold, Nathan Rupp, Trina Holloway, Sarah George, and Rachel Frick sent out the call, selected, advertised, and coordinated 14 poster sessions out of 17 submissions.  Poster sessions provide an opportunity to share innovative ideas and new applications of technology.  Posters will be on display in the East Exhibit Hall of the Galt House on Friday, June 1, from 9:30-5:30.  Presenters will be available to discuss their topics during both break periods.  Posters this year include:

  • Janice Cox – “Hedge Your Bet to Improve the Odds of Going the Distance: Dental Theses Journal Citation Analysis”
  • Nancy Beals – “Taking a Gamble: Venturing into the Development of an Electronic Resources Management System”
  • Chandra Jackson – “Making a Silk Purse from a Sow’s Ear”
  • Patrick Carr – “Maximizing Access through Consortial Partnership: Mississippi State University Libraries’ Journal Expansion Project”
  • Germaine Wadeborn – “Coming Down the Backstretch of Moving Technical Services Out of the Library and into a Dedicated Facility: Will This Be a Long Shot or a Sure Bet?”
  • Raleigh Muns – “Comprehensive Serials Information Database Eases Journal Cuts”
  • Randall Watts – “”Yes, As a Matter of Fact, We Are Throwing Those Away” : A Small Public University Library Deals with De-Selection
  • Janette Prescod – “Partners in Space: Integrating Periodicals and Government Documents”
  • Brian McDonald – “Designing a Local Database for Usage Statistics”
  • Sarah Sutton – “”I need to find an article on … ” : What Librarians Need to Know about How Patrons Look for Journal Articles on the Library Web Site”
  • Les Hawkins & Hien Nguyen – “The CONSER Standard Record”
  • Laurentiu Micrcea Stefancu – “Using Open Source Software to Build Your Tools”
  • Rebecca Martinez – “The SUPERFECTA – The Best Bet for Winning the Electronic Derby”
  • C. Derrik Hiatt – “A Comparison of Journal Impact Factor to Journal Use in a University Library”

The Informal Discussion Group Subcommittee consisting of Stephen Clark, Bonnie Parks, Janice Lindquist, Mary Grenci, Sarah George, and Rachel Frick sent out the call and are in the process of selecting, advertising, and coordinating these groups.  The purpose of Informal Discussion Groups (formerly known as Networking Nodes) is to promote discussion among NASIG attendees who have a shared interest in a topic, idea, workflow, problem…  The emphasis of these sessions is open discussion and the generation of new ideas.  Informal Discussion Groups will take place over lunch on Saturday, June 2.

In addition to informal discussion groups, there will be sessions dedicated to user groups of a specific product or service.  The purpose of these sessions is to share product implementation or development experiences and ideas. User group attendees will have an opportunity to discuss topics of common interest in a non-commercial setting.  This year, user groups will have two distinct sessions.   The first session, on Friday, June 1, from 3:15-4:15 p.m., will focus on ERM products and services.  On Saturday, June 2, from 4-5 p.m., the sessions will involve other technologies and services used by serialists.

PPC members have continued to work as liaisons to program speakers.  Liaison responsibilities included sending speakers their official notification of acceptance, informing speakers of their reimbursement and audio-visual equipment options and conference and proceedings responsibilities, gathering biographical information, distributing information for electronic handouts.  They also informed selected speakers of their hotel confirmation numbers and answered numerous miscellaneous questions.  PPC members managed an average of three speakers each.
PPC co-chairs worked with Anna Creech, NASIG webspinner, to develop a system for electronic handouts.  These handouts will be available to conference registrants in advance of the conference. 

Other activities of the PPC co-chairs:

  • Worked with the Evaluation & Assessment Committee regarding the conference survey.
  • Worked with the Proceedings Editors to help them contact speakers and coordinate receipt of papers from vision and strategy speakers.
  • Called for volunteers to introduce speakers
  • Coordinated hotel registrations, airline reservations, conference registrations, and AV information
  • Managed unexpected speaker changes

The PPC co-chairs would like to thank the entire committee for their flexibility and hard work.  The following people served on PPC and helped shape the 2007 conference: Norene Allen, Jennifer Arnold, Stephen Clark, Jill Emery, Mary Grenci, Trina Holloway, Bill Kara, Janice Lindquist, Meg Mering, Bonnie Parks, Erika Ripley, Nathan Rupp, and Jenni Wilson.  Special mention goes to Erika Ripley, our liaison to the Online Registration Team, and to Meg Mering and Bonnie Parks who coordinated the subcommittees for poster sessions and discussion groups.  We also owe a huge thanks to our board liaison, Char Simser. Although the work of PPC can be intense and hectic, the opportunity to work with such creative and dedicated colleagues makes this work a pleasure.

22:2 (2007:05) Committee Annual Report: N&E

May 22, 2007 at 11:34 am | Posted in Committee Annual Reports, Nominations & Elections | Leave a comment

David Burke, Chair
Committee Members: Gail Julian, co-chair/web liaison, Michael Arthur, Christie Degener, Beth Holley, Lisa Macklin, Virginia Rumph

Board Liaison:  Mary Page, past president


At the conference, a call for nominations using the forms in the conference packets was made.  This resulted in something less than success, considering no one returned a nomination form.  After the nominations submission page was activated on the NASIG web site, the chair sent calls for nominations via NASIG-L on June 1, July 27, and August 25 (last two dates approximate), as well as the Special Business Issue of the NASIG Newsletter.  The deadline for nominations was September 1.  In retrospect, I should have made the date later in month or even into October.

Through 30 submitted nomination forms, the committee received 16 nominations for vice-president/president elect (8 different people), 9 nominations for treasurer (8 different people), and 54 nominations for member-at-large (35 different people). 

Following an intra-committee conference call on September 11, each member of the committee called six to seven nominees for permission to forward their names through the nominee-review process.  Unfortunately, only 14 member-at-large nominees, 1 treasurer nominee, and none for vice-president/president elect opted to continue.  The committee contacted several other NASIG members to broaden the pool; this new pool yielded 1 additional member-at-large prospect, 1 additional treasurer prospect, and 1 vice-president/president elect prospect.  Some of these nominees removed themselves prior to the deadline for submitting a completed profile form.

A second intra-committee conference call was held on December 7 to choose the most appropriate candidates for the ballot (after overcoming some technical difficulties with Netspoke).   The committee then contacted those candidates’ references; no information emerged to eliminate any of the names previously selected.  So the committee announced this preliminary ballot on January 15, along with a call for petition candidates:

VP/President Elect:   Meg Mering
Treasurer:  David Bynog, Peter Whiting
Member-at-Large: Carol Ann Borchert, Abigail Bordeaux, Anna Creech, Sandra Hurd, Kim Maxwell, Jeff Slagell, Sarah Sutton

The committee chair received one completed and valid petition by the February 1 deadline.  Jill Emery was added to the ballot for VP/president elect.  The committee was also pleased to see that one of the accompanying bylaw changes would open the door to electronic voting.


The printer mailed 631 ballots (to addresses specified in the submitted membership list) on February 12.  Only those ballots postmarked March 15 or earlier were considered valid.  However, an ice storm threw off the distribution, so many members received ballots well past the expected February 15 arrival—online voting cannot come soon enough!  Seven ballots postmarked after March 15 were received.

The chair counted 288 ballots (a disappointing 46% return rate), which were recounted by Jutta Seibert (another librarian at Villanova University).  Three names were submitted as write-in votes—one for vice-president and two for member-at-large. 

On March 23, the chair reported the election results to the president and contacted all of the candidates.  The NASIG was notified of the results through NASIG-L on March 28, and the results were posted on the NASIG website the following week.  They will also be reported in the May issue of the NASIG Newsletter.

The winners of the election are Jill Emery for vice-president/president elect, Peter Whiting for treasurer, and Anna Creech, Kimberly Maxwell, and Jeff Slagell for member-at-large.


Many members of the committee had concerns regarding the reference process.  A number of references gave very brief or incomplete answers to the questions because they were not especially familiar with a given nominee.  Also the information gained in the references could be useful in choosing the top candidates if it was available sooner.  The committee recommends future N&E Committees have the option whether to call nominee references before or after they choose the top candidates (depending on the total number of nominees in a given year). 

Some members also expressed concern with the petition process in its current form.  Considering the extensive review process the originally slated candidates go through, gathering ten signatures seems comparatively easy.  Perhaps as NASIG moves to online elections, both the vetting procedures and the petition process should be examined.

In closing, the chair would like to thank every member of the committee and Mary Page, our board liaison, for the hard work and good ideas they contributed to the process during the last several months.  This election would not have gone so smoothly without them!  The chair would also like to thank Anne McKee and Kathryn Wesley (N&E chairs of the past two years) for their advice along the way.

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