22:4 (2007:12) TOC

December 12, 2007 at 1:44 pm | Posted in TOCs | Leave a comment


President’s Corner
Executive Board Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Tech Plan Implementation Begins
Guest Editorial
Erika Ripley on Volunteering
23rd Annual Conference ( 2008 )
CPC Update
PPC Update
Alice Rhoades
New Board Members
Other NASIG News
The Petition Candidate Experience
2008 Awards Announcement
LOCKSS Box Video Story
“Rose Knows”
2006 Proceedings Monograph Available
New Editors Named
—Committee Updates
——Conference Planning
——Database & Directory
——Evaluation & Assessment
——Library School Outreach
——Membership Development
——Nominations & Elections
——Program Planning
Other Serials News
Call for Papers on E-bundling
Thanks to Our Donors
Title Changes

PDF edition

22:4 (2007:12) Deciding to Run for the NASIG Board as a Petition Candidate

December 11, 2007 at 7:25 pm | Posted in Elections | Leave a comment

Jill Emery, NASIG Vice President/President-Elect

Petition candidacy is a relatively new development in NASIG and not many have taken advantage of running for the NASIG board using this mechanism. However, petition candidates who have run using this method have been elected in the past two elections, including myself.

In 2006, I used the petition process to get my name on the ballot for the NASIG vice president/president-elect position. For the 2006 election, I had been nominated and gone through the usual vetting process by the Nominations & Elections Committee but did not make the final ballot. Since my board term as member-at-large was up and my other national and state commitments were ending shortly, I decided to go ahead and attempt to petition onto the ballot. I was able to obtain the needed signatures and did end up on the ballot but lost the election.

For the 2007 election, the Nominations & Elections Committee approached me to run for the NASIG vice president/president-elect position. However, I had recently changed jobs and had quite a bit on my plate in regards to the job I had moved into at the University of Texas at Austin Libraries. There was also the consideration that, in the short term, my job position might change to take on even more responsibility. Therefore, I ended up declining the opportunity to go through the normal vetting process for the vice president/president-elect position given the uncertainty of my job status. After the ballot came out, I was contacted by a few NASIG colleagues about their concern that there was only one name appearing on the ballot for the position of NASIG vice president/president-elect.

During the ALA Midwinter Conference in Seattle, Washington, I heard further comments in this regard and was encouraged by numerous NASIG members to consider running as a petition candidate again. At this point, the changes I had anticipated with my job had occurred and I had a much better idea of the demands the job would have on my professional involvement. Given the encouragement I was receiving and knowing that most of my current professional commitments would all be ending in the summer of 2007, I agreed to run as a petition candidate so that there would be a choice for the NASIG membership to make. Once again, the required signatures were obtained and submitted and I ended up again on the ballot. To be perfectly honest, I thought this election would go much like the one from the previous year and was completely shocked to receive the call stating I had won the general membership vote.

Therefore, I encourage NASIG members to consider the petition process as a way to get onto the ballot for any of the NASIG board positions being sought. Also, I highly recommend obtaining signatures during the ALA Midwinter Conference since many of your colleagues will be in attendance there and can be found readily to sign your petition. It helps to have one colleague take on the signature gathering for you as well so that they can, in effect, campaign on your behalf. In the end, the petition process has been successful for at least a couple of candidates and has become a viable option for being elected to the NASIG board.

22:4 (2007:12) Thanks to Our Donors!

December 10, 2007 at 1:55 pm | Posted in Donors | Leave a comment
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The following members have made donations to NASIG during the period of July-November 2007. Donations are used to support NASIG scholarships and awards. Thanks for contributing to this important aspect of NASIG’s work.

Julia Blixrud
Robert Boissy
Linda Forster
Lola Halpin
Elizabeth Odsen
Stephanie Schmitt (in honor of Rose Robischon)
Virginia Taffurelli (in honor of Rose Robischon)
Mitch Turitz (in honor of Esther Fulsaas)
Lois Upham (in honor of Elaine W. Woods)
Judy Woodburn
Anonymous (in honor of Rose Robischon)

22:4 (2007:12) Committee Update: PubPR

December 7, 2007 at 1:04 pm | Posted in Publications/PR | Leave a comment
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[Ed. note: Highlights from the fall committee report to the Executive Board.]

Marit Taylor and Glen Wiley, Co-Chairs

Glen Wiley and Kathryn Johns-Masten, our committee’s web librarian, are currently making changes to the Speakers and Consultants Directory. These changes include the following:

  • Adding the opportunity to link to external documents within the submission form, in order to cut down on the length of profiles & keep more up-to-date information.
  • Create a more consistent feel with headings, fonts, etc. in each profile.
  • Change the order and naming of the profile fields.
  • Change the submission form to align with the changed profile fields.
  • Adding relevant subjects to the subject index. Some examples are Electronic Resource Management Systems, FRBR, and Usage Statistics.
  • Removing out-of-date or not used subjects from the subject index. Some examples are SISAC, Internet, NOTIS and Documentation.
  • Changing the wording of subjects within the subject index. Some examples are Automated Systems to Integrated Library Systems and EDI to EDI-EDITEUR.
  • Combining subjects within the subject index. Some examples are Subscription Agent Evaluation and Vendor Selection Evaluation Continue Reading 22:4 (2007:12) Committee Update: PubPR…

22:4 (2007:12) Committee Update: Proceedings

December 7, 2007 at 12:57 pm | Posted in Proceedings | Leave a comment

[Ed. note: Highlights from the fall committee report to the Executive Board.]

Carol Ann Borchert and Buddy Pennington, 2007 Editors

Gary Ives resigned as co-editor in July 2007.

2007 Vision sessions were not audio-recorded as they had been in past years, but the need for that has already been communicated to the CPC co-chairs for the 2008 conference.

The co-editors worked on collecting and editing papers submitted over the summer. Some presenters were surprised by the paper requirement, despite the notation in the speaker contract. PPC and the co-editors need to work together in future to minimize this confusion. We have managed to collect papers for all 35 sessions presented at NASIG.

Carol Ann contacted Haworth about the possibility of the new co-editor, Buddy Pennington, making a site visit to Haworth as previous co-editors have done. Because Haworth has recently been acquired by Taylor & Francis, the status of that is uncertain.

22:4 (2007:12) Committee Update: PPC

December 7, 2007 at 12:54 pm | Posted in Program Planning | Leave a comment

[Ed. note: Highlights from the fall committee report to the Executive Board.]

Sarah Wessell and Erika Ripley, Co-Chairs

Shortly after the Louisville conference, CPC and PPC brainstormed ideas for the 2008 theme and unanimously agreed upon “Taking the Sting Out of Serials.” Continue Reading 22:4 (2007:12) Committee Update: PPC…

22:4 (2007:12) Committee Update: N&E

December 7, 2007 at 12:47 pm | Posted in Nominations & Elections | Leave a comment

[Ed. note: Highlights from the fall committee report to the Executive Board.]

Gail Julian, Chair

A nominations form was included in the conference packet.  Thirteen completed forms were received with 51 nominations.  A call for nominations was posted on NASIG-L on July 5, August 7, September 7, and October 4, resulting in another 75 nominations.  So far we have a total of 126 nominations for 63 different individuals.  In addition, the call has been published in the September Newsletter and on the What’s New page of the website.  Forms used for nominee review are being posted to NASIGWeb in order to help demystify the process.  Nominations are due by October 12, 2007.   To date we have received the following numbers of nominations:

Vice President/President-Elect:  35 nominations for 19 individuals
Member at Large: 91 nominations for 53 individuals

Some persons received multiple nominations, and some were nominated for both VP/PE and MAL.

22:4 (2007:12) Committee Update: MDC

December 7, 2007 at 12:41 pm | Posted in Membership Development | Leave a comment

[Ed. note: Highlights from the fall committee report to the Executive Board.]

Marla Chesler and Tina Feick, Co-Chairs

Bob Boissy and Zac Rolnic researched institutional membership options at several other organizations. They wrote a report with recommendations for the Executive Board.

The Executive Board asked our committee to look at the Facebook page that was created for NASIG. Several of our committee members joined the group, but since we decided to informally watch the group rather than try to impose any kind of NASIG rule. The mentor group does feel that the Facebook page may be useful for the mentors/mentees at the next conference. Continue Reading 22:4 (2007:12) Committee Update: MDC…

22:4 (2007:12) Committe Update: LSO

December 7, 2007 at 12:18 pm | Posted in Library School Outreach | Leave a comment
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[Ed. note: Highlights from the fall committee report to the Executive Board.]

Sarah Sutton, Chair

Several committee members have elected to continue their “ambassadorships” to the library schools they began working with in 2006-07. They are:

University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science – Steve Oberg
School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University – Steve Oberg
Dominican University Graduate School of Library and Information Science – Steve Oberg
Louisiana State University School of Library and Information Science – Linda Smith Griffin

Library schools with which we had relationships in 2006-07 but for which we need to recruit new Ambassadors are:

Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies
University of North Texas School of Library and Information Science
School of Information, University of Texas
University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science
San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science

The committee has developed a draft set of guidelines for ambassadors (copy attached for board comment). Once these are finalized based on the board’s comments, we will recruit ambassadors for these school. We plan to accomplish this by November 1, when the 2008 award applications are posted to the NASIG website. Continue Reading 22:4 (2007:12) Committe Update: LSO…

22:4 (2007:12) Committe Update: E&A

December 7, 2007 at 12:10 pm | Posted in Evaluation & Assessment | Leave a comment

[Ed. note: Highlights from the fall committee report to the Executive Board.]

Anne Mitchell and Lori Terrill, Co-Chairs

The online [conference] evaluations were a success, thanks in part to vigorous promotion by the volunteers at the conference desk.  The 54% response rate was a slight increase over the previous year, and all but a handful of evaluations were submitted online.  The committee recommends online-only conference evaluations in 2008.

NASIG member Lisa Blackwell was the winner of the evaluation drawing, as announced on NASIG-L.  The list of respondents was pulled into a spreadsheet and deduplicated (poster and preconferences evaluations were submitted separately, so some individuals appeared more than once).  188 names remained, and the website random.org was used to generate a random number between 1 and 188.  The resulting number corresponded to the winner’s position on the spreadsheet.

Committee member Carole Bell will be the contact person for speakers who wish to receive information about their individual session ratings and comments.

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